The search is over, this is Knotted Root
3 levels of treatment
The first level of treatment, we just want to feel better. I am in pain, reduce that pain. I am sick of having this recurring infection, make it go away. The mode is relieve the symptom, reduce the pain. This is treatment on the physical level.
The second level of treatment, we seek to discover the root of our own suffering and address it. Is there a reason for my symptom? Is there a pattern to it? Typically, the answer is yes. You can invite yourself to observe yourself and perhaps come into a different relationship. This can involve coming to know your body in a different way and learning to listen. Often, this work is on the intersection between the physical and emotional level.
The third level of treatment, we have already addressed our suffering and learned from it. Here is where we break from survival mode and actually look at what living means. The answer is different for everyone. This work is on the soul level.
Client Testimonials
R.M’s needling technique is very refined and he doesn’t let any treatment fall short. Every treatment is like a work of art and he will not stop until each treatment is perfect. He is the only practitioner who has been able to pin point my longstanding back pain and treat it directly.
R.M does not shy away from hard work and realities in healing. His practice is infused with true acceptance, compassion, and drive. These elements open doors, and a single session can be nothing short of transformative.
R Brown is a powerhouse of knowledge in Traditional Chinese Medicine, bodywork, and psychic modalities. This deep work can only come from a practitioner with the wisdom of experience and a genuine desire to help transmute long-held suffering into liberation for all beings.